The Secret to Bridging the Gaps in Life

Marquita Herald
3 min readJul 19, 2021


Bridging the gap is a common term that means to reduce or eliminate the difference between two points.

It sounds simple enough from a practical standpoint, but when it comes to closing the biggest gaps we face in life, like the one between what you have and what you want — things get complicated.

There’s the gap between the person you (believe you) are now and the one you want to be, between your cubicle and the corner office, or the gap between the life you imagined and the reality of the one you are living.

Whatever nature, it’s pretty easy to identify the source behind the gaps.

For example, there’s intention and action, potential and performance, knowing and doing, inexperience and skill, doubt and confidence, reality and dreams, fear and courage, lies and truth, blame and forgiveness, or hate and love.

Surprisingly, the biggest obstacle to achieving your desired outcome (whatever that may be) isn’t the gap at all but failing to see a bridge to take you where you want to go.

In theory, this makes decision-making simple.

Without a way to reach your destination (or achieve your goal), you have no choice but to settle in and accept things the way they are.

It’s tempting to write this off as an excuse or outright denial, but more often than we realize (or want to admit) the bridge is there, we just can’t see it.

We all have a blind spot to our strengths while at the same time we hold a magnifying glass to our weaknesses. ~Jesse Tremblay

When You Can’t See a Bridge

We are all (including you and me) blind to certain dimensions of who we are, especially when it comes to what we are capable of accomplishing.

Think about it, if you see a way to cross to the other side of that imposing gap then you are either going to have to risk going for it or admit that you would rather stay where you are.

Why would you not do whatever it takes to reach for what you want?

Let’s say the issue is fear of the unknown.

Even if you see a path forward, you can’t know with any certainty how long it will take or what unexpected obstacles you may encounter along the way, and there are no guarantees what you’ll find on the other side.

What if you fail, what if you end up worse off than you are now, or what if you succeed and discover you hate it?

Seriously, how bad do you want this thing?!

But what if you decide to give up trying to pursue that dream or goal and stay right where you are, accepting the consequences of the gap as just being the way (your) life is.

Initially, you may feel relief, but there will always be a question in the back of your mind … what might have been?

Until you dare to cross the bridge of your fear and insecurity you can’t begin to explore your possibilities. ~Author Unknown

You’ll See the Bridge When You’re Ready

Just to be clear, the bridge is there, it has always been there.

The real issue for most of us is not fear, but lack of trust. We lack confidence in our ability to handle the challenges we face in life.

Everything you need is within you right now, but it may take time and the willingness to practice believing in yourself to bring it out, and that’s okay.

If you make the effort, every day you’ll make a little progress and with that get a little more confident!

Gaps come in all shapes and sizes, but there is one thing they have in common, they can either serve as a stopping point or a beginning.

It is up to each of us to decide whether we’re willing to take the risk to cross our bridges to discover and fully explore our possibilities.

If not now, when?

Here’s to living and loving your resilient life!



Marquita Herald
Marquita Herald

Written by Marquita Herald

Resilient Living Strategist | Transformational Author & Guide, unapologetic Introvert, lover of road trips, peanut butter cookies, and a dog named Lucy,

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